Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hot Hologram Technology

This is an awesome picture of an Iphone with the hologram technology. Once a technological prediction was prevailed that something in 2050 a hologram technology might be invented. The phone will be integrated will hologram voice call which will help the user see the hologram picture of the caller. Watch out on it for the year 2050. To see this, today's people must be health conscious to reach this age. Stop smoking, minimize alcohol or fats and exercise for a good health. Love this phone? Buy one by 2050. lol.

Lucky to those who watched the “Obama/McCain,” US election on CNN, to noticed a hologram of a female reporter. This used a few cameras on a 360 degrees axis and a very large "green screen" to create the illusion. Now the question is when will we see or use the hologram technology? Sooner or later there would be something like this.

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