Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yey Another Gift From Mousehunt Devs!

David Kiew sounded the Hunter’s Horn.
I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 7 oz. Elf mouse from the Laboratory worth 894 points and 757 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 magically wrapped gift, 2 gifts.

I was surprised when I open my mousehunt account that a mouse with a loot appeared to my page. An Elf mouse was caught by my basic trap with two gift loots. Yey! That was very exciting. To think that I gift will be given this December 25, all the mousehunter communities are getting busy hunting crafty mice. lol. In my humble opinion a loot mouse should wrap the most elegant gift from santa for us to give more effort hunting more mice. :D. Congats mousehunt devs that was a great job!

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